In [1]:
# imports
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import threading
from qumulo.rest_client import RestClient
In [2]:
def create_dir(rc, path):
path_parts = path.split('/')
for i in range(2, len(path_parts)+1):
full_path = '/'.join(path_parts[0:i])
parent_path = '/'.join(path_parts[0:i-1])
if parent_path == '':
parent_path = '/'
name = path_parts[i-1]
dir_exists = False
dir_exists = True
except Exception as e:
if "Error 404: fs_no_such_entry_error" not in str(e):
print("Unexpected excpetion: %s" % e)
if not dir_exists:
rc.fs.create_directory(name = name, dir_path = parent_path)
In [3]:
cluster = '<qumulo-cluster>' # Qumulo cluster hostname or IP where you're setting up users
api_user = '<qumulo-user>' # Qumulo api user name
api_password = '<qumulo-password>' # Qumulo api password
base_directory = 'users-replicated' # the parent path where the users will be created.
user_name = 'tommy' # the "username"
root_path = '/home/tommy'
# If you're setting up replication, you'll need these variables
replicate_to_cluster = '' # must be an ip address
replicate_to_api_user = '<qumulo-user>'
replicate_to_api_password = '<qumulo-password>'
replicate_to_directory = 'users-backup'
In [9]:
rc = RestClient(cluster, 8000)
rc.login(api_user, api_password)
rc_dest = RestClient(replicate_to_cluster, 8000)
rc_dest.login(replicate_to_api_user, replicate_to_api_password);
source_path = '%s/%s/%s' % (root_path, base_directory, user_name)
destination_path = '%s/%s/%s' % (root_path, replicate_to_directory, user_name)
print(" Source path: %s:%s" % (cluster, source_path))
print("Destination path: %s:%s" % (replicate_to_cluster, destination_path))
create_dir(rc, source_path)
create_dir(rc_dest, destination_path)
In [11]:
replic_res = None
source_id = rc.fs.get_attr(path=source_path)['id']
replic_res = rc.replication.create_source_relationship(source = source_id,
target_path = destination_path,
address = replicate_to_cluster,
print("Replication relationship id: %s" % replic_res['id'])
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
print("!!! Exception: %s" % exc_value)
In [12]:
replic_auth_res = None
replic_auth_res = rc_dest.replication.authorize(relationship_id = replic_res['id'])
print("Replication relationship status: %s" % replic_auth_res['state'])
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
print("!!! Exception: %s" % exc_value)
In [ ]:
# Kick off a replication job.
if replic_res is not None:
rc.replication.replicate(relationship = replic_res['id'])
In [ ]:
if replic_res is not None:
rc.replication.delete_relationship(relationship_id = replic_res['id'])
rc_dest.fs.delete_tree(path = '/users-backup/%s' % user_name)